Leaves are amazing today.

A Poem on Autumn Leaves 
By Bard AI

On a winding road, amidst the fall,
Where trees stand tall, and leaves enthrall,
I pause to gaze, with heart and soul,
At autumn's art, a canvas bold.

The leaves ablaze, in hues so bright,
A fiery dance, in fading light.
From emerald green to burnt sienna,
A symphony of colors, that transcends.

The maple leaves, a flaming crown,
Their crimson capes, cascade to ground.
The oak leaves, golden brown and deep,
A tapestry of dreams, they softly keep.

The birch leaves, delicate and fair,
Their whispers on the autumn air.
The willow leaves, long and slender,
Their graceful forms, forever tender.

Each leaf a unique work of art,
A brushstroke of nature's vibrant heart.
From verdant green to fiery red,
The leaves of autumn, forever spread.

As the gentle breeze, caresses their face,
They twirl and twirl, with airy grace.
A ballet of leaves, in autumn's embrace,
A fleeting moment, of fleeting grace.

But even as they fall, they leave behind,
A gift of beauty, on nature's kind.
For in their decay, new life they bring,
As the earth awaits, the winter's spring.

So let us cherish, this autumn's bloom,
And dance with the leaves, beneath the moon.
For in their beauty, we find our own,
A reflection of nature, forever grown.
